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Medical Form Update

Educator Details

Educator First Name*
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Please enter first name.
Educator Last Name*
Please enter last name.
Please enter last name.
Educator Email*
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Please enter email.

Medical History

Do you have or have you ever had:

Allergies, including to drugs; animals; bee stings; pollens; grass; food; rubber; chemical*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Heart conditions (heart attacks; angina; high/low blood pressure; murmur; palpitations; chest pain, etc)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Stroke; clots in legs or lungs; excessive bleeding or bruising; DVT; varicose veins:*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Nervous System Disorder (paralysis; blackouts; dizzy spells; fainting or attacks of unconsciousness; epilepsy; muscular weakness; numbness in fingers/hands; coordination problems):*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Eye conditions (restricted vision; Glaucoma Iritis; colour blindness; other)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Ear conditions; restricted hearing; tinnitus; ear infections; hearing loss; hearing difficulties*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Skin conditions (Eczema; Dermatitis; rash; Psoriasis; recent skin infection; Skin Cancer)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Lung Conditions (Asthma; Bronchitis; Pleurisy; Tuberculosis; coughing up blood; persistent cough; chest complaints; shortness of breath; Silicosis; Asbestosis; other)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Digestive system conditions (Colitis; frequent diarrhoea; Gastric/Duodenal Ulcer; IBS; Hepatitis; Liver complaints / Jaundice; pancreatitis)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Migraine; persistent headaches; head injury; concussion*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Sleep disorder; Issues with sleep or excessive fatigure when performing shift work?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Chronic fatigue lasting greater than 6 weeks*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Take medication to help you sleep or remain alert or awake?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Rheumatic fever*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Kidney / Bladder conditions (kidney stones; urinary infection; prostate problem)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Arthritis, gout, joint pain or swelling*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Feet problems, ankle problems or foot pain when standing or walking*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Knee injury, swelling or pain*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Shoulder pain, tendonitis or frozen shoulder*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Back / Neck problems (disc problems; prolonged back/neck pain; whiplash; sciatica or leg pain)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Broken bones or fractures*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
"Repetitive strain injury" such as tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, Carpal tunnel syndrome or any other over use condition*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
History of Tropical / Infectious Diseases including Malaria; Hepatitis; Tuberculosis (TB), Dengue Fever*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Diabetes or thyroid problem (over/under active thyroid)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Cancer or other tumours*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Mental Illness / stress (nervous breakdown; mental fatigue; anxiety; depression; panic attacks; self-harm; significant sleep disturbance; eating disorders; fear; phobias to travel or confined spaces; schizophrenia; bipolar)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
A pace maker or any other implantable device*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Are you receiving medical treatment at the present time that an employer should know about?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Do you currently have any work restrictions certified by a Doctor?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Do you take regular medication?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Other conditions that may require medical management onsite (relevant to remote locations)*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Hold a conditional Driver's License (with restrictions or conditions due to a medical condition), or have a condition you should report to the licensing authority?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!

Work Related Health History

Have you ever had (or currently have) any injury / illness / disease, whether physical or mental, that could affect your ability to perform this role?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Have you ever experienced conflict or stress at work that required medical treatment or counselling?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Have you ever left, or been denied a job on health grounds?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Have you ever been advised for medical reasons, not to do night work, shift work, or any other kind of work?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Have you ever lodged a Workers Compensation Claim?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Do you have a current Workers Compensation Claim?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!

Vaccination History

Have you had the following?

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Have you had or are you willing to get the following vaccinations if required?

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Field is required!

Social History

Do you currently smoke?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!

Extra Details

Do you have difficulties with the following activities?

Kneeling or crouching*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
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Field is required!
Climbing stairs or ladders*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Repetitive movement of hands or arms*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Working in extremes of temperature*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Concentrating on a task*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Reading ordinary print*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Hearing a normal conversation*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Walking on rough or uneven ground*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Standing or sitting for 2 hours or more*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Lifting or bending*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Gripping firmly with both hands*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Confined spaces*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Shift work*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!
Turning your head rapidly*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
Please provide additional information*
Field is required!
Field is required!

Stress Assessment

Given the nature of this role (working with complex youth autonomously), do you feel you have the emotional, mental, physical, and psychological fitness to perform this role?*
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If no, please provide additional information*
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Field is required!

Fatigue Assessment

Have you worked in a previous role that requires at least 10 hours of concentrated effort without a break?*
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Field is required!
If no, please provide additional information regarding how you believe you would cope*
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Field is required!

Medical Declaration Confirmation

Willful and false representation by an employee

- Where it is proved that the employee has, at the time of seeking or entering employment in respect of which the employee claims compensation for an injury, willfully and falsely represented themselves as not having previously suffered from the injury, the Agency may, at their discretion, refuse to award compensation which otherwise would be payable.

- Failure to answer all questions fully may invalidate the pre selection process and result in your application being disregarded.

- All medical information collected shall be held in strict confidence and in accordance with Privacy legislation.

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the answers provided by me are true and correct*
I understand that any false or misleading information may result in termination of employment. I understand that I may also be required to provide copies of medical assessments/medical clearance/doctors/medical specialists letters during employment and on termination.
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