Is the person filling in the form the participant?*
Please answer the question.
Please answer the question.
List all the great things that your worker does for you*
Limit of 200 characters
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
List any coaching or training requirements which might help improve your workers performance*
Limit of 200 characters
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Are there any tasks that you don’t want you worker to do anymore?*
Limit of 200 characters
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Are there any tasks that you would like your worker to start doing?*
Limit of 200 characters
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Describe your worker's personality and work ethic*
Limit of 200 characters
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.
Please enter details and limit your answer to 200 characters (including spaces). If not applicable, enter N/A.