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Code of Conduct and Ethics

ALHCA Code of Conduct and Ethics

Our Promise

Safety is our number one priority, also holding advocacy, integrity, honesty, and transparency as high values, while providing professional friendly service. Our passionate office team understand the fragility of creating a manageable family life balance and pride themselves in being the leaders in screening and matching Educators with Families, to provide the highest possibility of having all the family’s needs met.

In line with the Early Years Learning Framework and the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, we support our Educators to provide care that engages all children in learning that promotes confident and creative individuals and successful lifelong learners, helping them to be active and informed members of their communities. We are committed to building secure, respectful, and reciprocal relationships and partnerships that respect diversity, equity, inclusion, reflection, and collaboration to maintain the rights and dignity of children, Families, colleagues, and communities.

See below links:

All representatives of the Agency are specifically required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of children, as noted below. All representatives of the Agency are responsible for supporting the safety, participation, wellbeing, and empowerment of children by:

  • Adhering to the Agency child safe policy at all always times / upholding the Agency statement of commitment to child safety.
  • Taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse.
  • Treating everyone with respect, along with being honest and trustworthy.
  • Will perform all duties in a diligent and conscientious manner, maintaining a clean and tidy workplace.
  • Listening and responding to the views and concerns of children, particularly if they are telling you that they or another child has been abused and/or are worried about their safety or the safety of another.
  • Promoting the cultural safety, participation, and empowerment of Indigenous children.
  • Promoting the cultural safety, participation, and empowerment of children with culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds (for example, by having a zero tolerance of discrimination).
  • Promoting the safety, participation, and empowerment of children with a disability (for example, during personal care activities).
  • Completing the online educational training module – Protecting Children – Mandatory reporting and other Obligations & Online Learning Modules for strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse.
  • Reporting any allegations of child abuse or any child safety concerns to the Agency Child Safety Officer Annie Sargood 0417 312 958 and ensure any allegations are reported to the police or child protection. Mandatory reporting is a requirement by law.
  • If an allegation of child abuse is made, ensure as quickly as possible that the child(ren) are safe.
  • Encouraging children to ‘have a say’ and participate in all relevant organisational activities where possible.

Representatives must not:

  • Develop any ‘special’ relationships with children that could be seen as favouritism (for example, the offering of gifts).
  • Exhibit behaviours with children which may be unnecessarily physical (for example inappropriate sitting on laps. Sitting on laps could be appropriate sometime, for example while reading a storybook to a small child in an open plan area).
  • Put children at risk of abuse (for example, by locking doors).
  • Be under the influence of narcotics or alcohol or have them in their possession.
  • Engage in any form of bullying or harassment; or physical, verbal, or emotional abuse of others.
  • Do things of a personal nature that a child can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes.
  • Engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children (for example, personal social activities)
  • Use inappropriate language in the presence of children.
  • Express personal views on cultures, race, or sexuality in the presence of children.
  • Discriminate against any child, including because of culture, race, ethnicity, or disability.
  • Shall not take nor allow any unauthorised person or persons into the home of the client or transfer these children to another person unless that person has been approved by the Agency and/or the client.
  • Will not take photographs or video footage of any child or family property or premises nor communicate any information regarding the child and family through social media or other public platforms.
  • Have contact with a child or their family outside of our organisation without our knowledge and/or consent (for example, extra babysitting). Accidental contact, such as seeing people in the street, is appropriate.
  • Give or disclose, directly or indirectly any information to others.
  • Have any online contact with a child or their family (unless necessary, for example providing Families with e-newsletters.
  • Ignore or disregard any suspected or disclosed child abuse.

By observing these standards, you acknowledge your responsibility to immediately report any breach of this code to the Agency Child Safety Officer who can be contacted via phone OR contact one of the following:

If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.

** Victoria – Child Protection Crisis Line on 13 12 78.

** Queensland – Regional Intake Service – 1800 177 135.

** New South Wales – Child Protection Helpline 13 12 11 (1800 212 936).

** ACT – Child & Youth Protection Services 1300 556 728 or 1300 556 729.

** South Australia – Child Abuse Report Line 13 14 78 of A/H 13 16 11.

** Western Australia – Child Protection and Family Support (08) 9222 2555 or 1800 622 258.

** Tasmania – Child Protection Services 1300 737 639.

** Northern Territory – Child Protection Hotline 1800 700 250.


All representatives must take all Agency policies into consideration.