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IHC Mentor Program Report

Educator Details

Educator First Name*
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Educator Last Name*
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Educator Email*
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Mentor Details

First Name*
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Last Name*
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Quarterly Report

Below are five Learning Outcomes that can be used to assess the competencies of the Educator
1. Strong sense of identity - e.g. helping children feel safe, secure, supported, and autonomous
Please describe Educator progress based on the quarter
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2. Connection with and Contribution to their world - e.g. helping children acknowledge diversity, fairness and respect
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3. Strong sense of wellbeing - e.g. helping children develop strong social, emotional and mental wellbeing, along with physical health and personal safety
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4. Children are confident and involved learners - e.g. helping children develop curiosity, confidence, creativity, imagination, persistence and problem solving skills
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5. Children are effective communicators - e.g. helping children interact both verbally and non-verbally and engaging with a range of texts
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How do you assess the overall progress of the Educator?
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In what areas can the Educator improve in the next quarter?
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Minister's Rules

Qualifications in Remote locations 

There are transitional provisions outlined in section 3.6.1 of the IHC National Guidelines, that apply until 31 December (reapproved each year) for IHC educators in remote or very remote areas that permit an IHC educator to provide care without meeting the minimum qualification requirements. The following illustrates how the provision for an unqualified educator to be supported by a qualified educator may work in practice:

  • Staff employed by the IHC Service will need to have the required qualification (a Certificate III in a relevant course, at a minimum) and work with the unqualified IHC educator to develop an educational program that meets the early childhood development and education and care needs of the children receiving family. The qualified staff also review the progress of each of these children with respect to the educational program. 

  • These activities may involve interacting with the educator and the children. If a family receives IHC for five days a week, this interaction would need to occur for one day a week on average (however, any such interaction must occur at least on a monthly basis). 

  • The interaction may be face-to-face or via Skype. As the IHC educator has access to a qualified staff member who is involved in the education and care of the children receiving IHC, the educator would have met the qualification requirements for IHC. 

  • IHC educators are required to keep a record of the interactions with qualified educators.

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