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IHC Job Description Creator

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Create a Job Description Below

A well written job description will set your Educator up for success. Providing them with lots of relevant information will give both of you something to measure performance with and will ensure that your Educator goes home feeling satisfied that they have met all your family’s needs. Each family is very different, Educators will not know which blanket your child likes, what seat they prefer to sit in when having dinner or what their favourite foods are. Armed with the right information your Educator will more than likely be a winner with the Children and become an integral part in the management of your family home. Failing to provide adequate instruction and information, in our experience can lead to disappointment and the need for a very awkward performance improvement discussion. If there happens to be a change in circumstance i.e. an additional child or change of hours, you will need to review the Job description and make necessary adjustments as time goes by. A copy will be sent to your educator, the service and yourself.

Educators assist to build culturally safe and secure environments and use knowledge to inform their practice.

Describe your family's cultural practices, world views, ethnicity, uniquely interesting diversities and values*
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Educators can adopt a family's preferred communication style as well support desired modifications.

Describe your family's values around boundaries, behaviour, manners, language and treatment of others*
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Educators plan routines and daily schedules for both active/quiet play and rest, inclusive of everyday rituals.

Describe your child/children's preferred routines, rituals (sleep, meal, drink, toileting, activity schedules)*

Child's Name*
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Educators can help your child/children explore new food - Introducing new foods to children in education and care services

Describe your child/children's current food preferences*

Child's Name*
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Educators create learning environments that support flexible learning both within the home and local community, by responding to the strengths, culture, languages, interests, learning styles and capabilities of each child. Supporting the child/children to develop the abilities and skills, such as self-regulation, and knowledge they require for interacting with others - Physical Environment

Describe your child/children's preferred at home activities and capabilities*

Child's Name*
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Describe your child/children's current external activities, location (address), day of week and time, e.g. school, kinder, music, ballet, sport, therapy sessions, tutors, etc*

Child's Name*
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Describe your child/children's emotional triggers and their current capacity to manage powerful emotions constructively and any self-regulation and soothing methods*

Child's Name*
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Educators may undertake household chores that are directly related to the health, wellbeing, education and care of the child/children, during sleep periods or periods of independent play or down time. Educators can incorporate life skill educational learning opportunities, such as organisation, hygiene, cleaning, washing, wardrobe management, shopping and meal preparation.

Describe household chores in prioritised order, that you would like your children to be engaged in learning*
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